Friday, September 05, 2008

World of Good opens partnership with eBay

Courtesy of Lauren Stower at Outreach:

I’m very excited to let you in on some exciting news: we have unveiled by eBay, the brand new ethical marketplace that brings thousands of ethical products from hundreds of sellers together — all on onetrusted platform!

At last, consumers who care can easily align their purchases with their values, casting each dollar like a vote for change— whether they’re buying sweatshop-free, animal friendly, or environmentally sustainable products.

So share the good news with conscious consumers like your readership—and help us inspire millions more across the country to put their purchasing power where their heart is!

And an aside from yours truly: The best purchase for the environment is not to buy at all, and the second best is to buy used. If you need something, first check out Freecycle, Craig's List, yard sales, or your local second-hand shop. There are things we must buy new from time to time, and World of Good is a nice rescource for this second tier of shopping.

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