Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Putting Meat back in it's Place

I wish I wrote this article, but alas, Mark Bittman, The Minimalist, gets the credit. His tips on reducing meat consumption are not based on ethics, carbon awareness, buying locally, or anything...they're just practical. Below is a summary, but I really suggest reading the whole thing by clicking

Putting Meat Back in Its Place

1. Forget the protein thing (you'll get enough from beans, nuts, dairy, veggies, and whatever meat you do decide to take in)
2. Buy less meat.
3. Get it out of the center of the plate.
4. Buy more vegetables, and learn new ways to cook them.
5. Make nonmeat items as convenient as meat (by pre-cooking beans, grains, and veggies and storing them in the freezer or fridge for quick dinners mid-week).
6. Make some rules. Depending on your habits, it may be no bacon at breakfast; it may be no burgers at lunch; it may be no fast food, ever...
7. Look at restaurant menus differently.

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