Wikia Green brings together volunteers, experts, existing authorities and content to provide a fresh perspective on environmental issues and sustainable practices
Wikia, Inc., the leading provider of community resources for building and organizing free information on every topic, today announced the formal launch of Wikia Green— a project to build a community generated online resource that is home to the best information about green topics and issues. Based on the wiki platform, Wikia Green is an ever-evolving, community-focused repository of content that can be instantly molded or changed by anyone to reflect the most current topics of interest and latest information in the green arena.
"Today we are formally inviting anyone who is interested and knowledgeable about ecological issues to join us in creating something that we hope will become a valuable resource for society," said Jimmy Wales, Co-founder and Chairman of the board, Wikia, Inc. "As the whole notion of 'going green' has exploded, so too has the volume of related information floating around out there on the Internet. It has come to a point where, for the average person looking for tips on how to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, it can be somewhat difficult to know where to start and Wikia Green is looking to be just that place."
Wikia Green strives to make important ecological information accessible to everyone who seeks it and the site will initially focus on six main content areas, including:
• How To guides, which provide step-by-step details on how to implement greener practices into your life or business
• Go Local, where towns, cities and states can share details on how acting local can contribute to reduce global carbon emissions
• The Green Movement, where all the individuals and organizations involved in efforts to protect the environment are being identified—including organizations, campaigns, activist's, celebrities, political parties and more
• Sustainable Living, where articles are being written about how to reduce your carbon footprint, how to reuse and recycle, etc.
• Environmental issues such as current emissions problems, global warming, local and global environmental politics
• Green science and technology, where users are discussing and documenting information about renewable energy sources, hybrid vehicles, green computing, and other technical things that can contribute to reduce fossil fuel dependence and carbon emissions
To learn more or to become a member of the Wikia Green community, please visit:
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Wikia enables groups to share information, news, stories, media and opinions that fall outside the scope of an encyclopedia. Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley launched Wikia to provide community-based wikis inspired by the model of Wikipedia -- the free, open source encyclopedia founded by Jimmy Wales. Please note, however, that Wikia is an independently operated company and therefore Wikia and all of Wikia's subsequent projects, including the Wikia Search project, are in no way related to or The Wikimedia Foundation.
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