Tuesday, August 12, 2008

100% Renewable Power in 10 Years

The Post-Carbon Institute released a response to Al Gore's challenge to the US to produce 100% renewable energy in 10 years (by 2018). The first (and arguably most important) step in the plan is:
Reduce consumption and reduce waste—not just of fossil fuels but of energy overall and of raw materials, almost all of which require energy to exploit and transport. Reducing consumption is vital in making the goal of 100% renewable electricity achievable, both to reduce the amount of renewable power we need to generate and because it will greatly reduce the cost of installing it.

You can read the full text of The Post-Carbon Institute's 10-point plan here. How's that for forward thinking?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but people are L-A-Z-Y. You have to provide incentives. Think of a lottery, with prize money. When you take (and document) a reduced-comsumption step, you are allowed into the lottery. Something like that...