Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 3 of National Downshifting Week: Give Back

Day 3 of US National Downshifting Week asks you to donate time or items to a worthy cause. An incredible sense of contentment comes when you give something back to your community. Whether it's donating to your local secondhand store, doing a bit of gardening at your CSA, or volunteering at a hospice, you cannot imagine how much light you shine in the lives of those less fortunate. We've told you about resources like Volunteer Match, Boston Cares, Idealist, and Cool People Care before, but if you haven't done any volunteering since the last holiday season, it's time to step up your commitment.

If you are particularly interested in spreading the "Slow Down and Green Up" message, we have all the resources you need to start a Conscious Consuming Discussion Group in your community. You can also host a screening of The Story of Stuff, form a Simplicity Circle, or lead one of the fabulous Northwest Earth Institute Discussion Groups on Voluntary Simplicity.

1 comment:

Jack said...

Already in the middle of going through a bunch of my stuff to give away. Can't wait to finish the process! Also, been wanting to join a simplicity circle, but have only found time to do a couple of VS meetups. Need to get on that....