Friday, June 13, 2008

Slow Food Boston Promotes Eating Locally

We wanted to thank Connie, Willow, Peggy and Alex, our friends at Slow Food Boston, for this post (which is an excerpt from their June newsletter);

Summer seems to have finally arrived - we've had our first few steamy days, the sun is truly warm even on the cooler days... and most importantly, the Farmers Markets have reopened for the season and CSA deliveries are gearing up as well. So get out there and support them!

If you can sneak out of work one of these days, pay a visit to your local market and say hello to the farmers. They all seem so glad to be back out in front of the public eye - after months of toiling away in the gardens and fields, it's nice to see the faces of the people who really appreciate what they're doing. So go and tell them! Schedules of the market locations and times are on the FMFM WEBSITE. There is sure to be one near you...

Although the pickings are a little scarce so far, a little searching will yield some great things; chive blossoms, incredible spring hardy greens, rhubarb, asparagus, young garlic - and beautiful potted herbs & flowers to spruce up your deck, backyard or sunny windowsill!

Another way to support our local farmers is by attending our benefit dinner next Sunday, June 15th. We're gathering down in Tiverton Rhode Island for an afternoon meal of local foods & drinks in order to raise money to send a few local producers to Italy this fall. They'll be attending the Slow Food Terra Madre Festival, interacting with food producers from the world over - and then bringing their newfound knowledge back to share with us. Go to our website for more information and to register and pay.

And speaking of sharing knowledge, we're psyched to see some Boston (well, Cambridge) based folks not only championing the 'eat local & seasonal' mantra, but also providing resources for doing so through their website: BOSTON LOCALVORES. Take a look and feel free to give them any feedback you have - they want this to be a comprehensive & useful list for all of us.


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