Monday, June 02, 2008


A reader named Kristen recently sent us a link to a new website called She saw their table at Boston's Earthfest, and dropped us a note about them. We encourage you to do the same...if you know about events, nonprofits, or businesses that you think conscious consumers would be interested in, drop me a line at susan (at) consciousconsuming (dot) org and I will see if it's a good fit for our blog.

You can see a video on what Izzitgreen is all about here, but basically they are a user generated review site that encourages readers and reviewers to consider "what goes in" (energy use, carbon offsets, clean products, how they treat employees) and "what comes out" of a business (service, products, distribution, etc) when making buying decisions. They are hoping their users will comment on their favorite local businesses and on what those businesses are doing to be more sustainable, which will in turn drive other businesses to make earth-friendly moves as well.

We are excited about the potential of this site to help conscious consumers make informed decisions. So the next time you're going to buy something new, check it out!

1 comment:

Roadtrippers said...

Cool site, thx! I live in Boston and didn't even consider something like this :)