Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Nonprofit Highlight: Free Wheelchair Mission

Free Wheelchair Mission makes an amazing difference in the lives of people with physical mobility issues in the developing world. For under $50, you can buy and ship a wheelchair to someone who might have been bedridden, or might be shunned in their community due to their lack of mobility. These wheelchairs are made with mountain bike tires and backyard lawn chairs. They are low-cost, durable, lightweight, and get the job done. You can visit Free Wheelchair Mission to see a video about the enormous difference a wheelchair can make in a person's life.

There are 100 million people worldwide who need wheelchairs, and Free Wheelchair Mission's goal is to get 20 million wheelchairs out into communities. They have distributed 285,000 wheelchairs to date. Conscious Consuming is proud to have Free Wheelchair Mission participate in Gift it Up! 2007, and we hope you consider this alternative gift opportunity. You can donate at, or email your friends and family a Christmas link about Free Wheelchair Mission.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a great program did you know though TWENTY SEVEN YEARS AGO, the sight of a crippled Moroccan woman crawling across a dirt road planted a seed that germinated in 1999 when Don Schoendorfer, founder of Free Wheelchair Mission, invested his education and professional expertise as a PhD Mechanical Engineer to create a simple, rugged, and inexpensive wheelchair. The mental picture of the crawling woman's anguish and loss of dignity had haunted him for years until God opened a path for Dr. Schoendorfer.

This distribution chain is funded totally through donations from individuals, foundations, and grants. Our commitment to the vision is constantly enhanced by the astounding stories of life change in recipients and donors. We are building a stronger organization every month with tight control on overhead costs, and strong emphasis on quality control of the wheelchair. We also utilize an army of talented volunteers offering business expertise in numerous areas.

i donated to them through their site i hope everyone else that reads your great post does too!
