Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Nonprofit Highlight: EarthWorks Boston

One thing I like best about working with Gift It Up! is learning about all the great organizations that are working in my backyard. One of these is EarthWorks Boston, which is working to bring nature to the urban community. It does this through three main ways:
  1. Planting fruit trees in open spaces, in conjunction with local neighborhood groups, to revive neglected spaces and share fruit with the community.
  2. Bringing environment to 1,000 kids in the Boston schools through science-based programs in their own schoolyard.
  3. Restoring Boston's own Urban Wilds areas, a total of 250 acres scattered throughout the city.
Donors can give tangible gifts such as dedicating a tree in an underforested area of Boston or giving an hour of environmental education lessons to Boston schoolchildren.

Local organizations like EarthWorks are crucial in making our city a real community. I hope you can join us in supporting them!

1 comment:

Deacon Pat said...

nice blog
